If you don't already know it, I am an author in addition to being an armorer. These books are what inspired me to start making armor in the first place. These are links to ebook versions, but paperback versions are also available.


A longstanding peace is about to be shattered by villains in the shadows of Medora. They conspire with distant nations to cripple the western Empire. In their secretive attempt, they stumble across the power to slay Arius, the god of war, and replace him with a human puppet. But that mission fails, and they not only pave the path for the seven gods to walk the earth, but create a god of war who is bent on their destruction. In the chaos, a great war ignites and threatens all nations and cultures. Great beasts now walk the earth again, and the gods themselves have come down to influence the world of man once more. But the new god of war joins the battle on the Vindyri planes, fighting with all his might for the freedom of mankind, struggling to bring light to the coming darkness.


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The doom of the western world is on the horizon. Hope that was promised has turned to dust, and the violent storms of rebellion begin. Armies march from distant lands to destroy Medora as it rots from within. Beings from hidden realms demand their freedom, or threaten all of mankind with their legions of the dead. But saving them would send every living soul into darkness, and Rommus will not obey. Threads are removed from the fabric of reality and mighty nations fall. The god of war may have been robbed of his power, but there is more to this man than his enemies know.

Will Medora fall to shadow and flame? Or can our heroes bring the light of freedom to the fallen realms?


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The machine of war is oiled with the blood of free men and their oppressors. The nations of the east have come to destroy the men of the west, ripping down their cities and their culture. Gods conspire against each other, sending their minions to assassinate Rommus Tirinius. The light of liberty grows dim, and to reignite that fragile flame, Rommus must confront the most ancient being still living in his realm. Will the meddling gods destroy the rebel in their midst? Or can Rommus save his people before the mighty jaws of war snap shut?


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Nations rise and fall at the feet of tyrants and heroes. The shifting powers have ripped Medora apart, and the once-great nation has finally crumbled to dust. The greater men of the west establish new law, hoping to weather the coming storm, and the roots of freedom find more fertile ground. New powers rise up to battle the old, but both liberty and tyranny are quenched by the tears of dying men, and the soils blacken with the blood of the fallen.


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Four short stories that take place before the Legend of Reason Series begins; featuring Rommus and Tannis, Alana, Song, and Vohl. Many questions about the origins of the characters are answered.

Also included is an extensive Companion Book, offering insight to the series.

FREE (Kindle Unlimited only)

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Questions burn within us all. At times, the answers bring an inferno of their own, laying waste to our comfortable traditions and beliefs. The light of that mighty fire will either destroy us or light the pathway towards truth. We march forward with no shield to protect us; reason our only weapon.

The Moon Through the Lonely Window is a collection of philosophical thoughts by David J. Guyton. These pages will haunt you with a completely different idea of reality that will not be easy to accept. It is a blend of philosophy and science that is sure to make the reader contemplate their own existence and their place in this universe.


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